Sahabat karib aku bagi malam ni mase die post kat fb die and tag nama aku lagu 'sahabat' by Najwa Latif la...
seyes rase macam nak menangis...
Yes kalau dgr lirik lagu najwa latif tu pown mmg betul apa yang terkandung dalam lagu tu aku hadapi dengan dia...
suka dan duka...
It takes sometimes for me or anyone else to identify who is the person who will accompany you while you are in hardship...first of all of course our family members and next friends BUT which friend of yours is willing to sacrifice for the sake of ur happiness...U can count using ur fingers eventhough u have thousand friends...Search for the best one...don't be friend just for BENEFIT coz it is not a good thing to do and the most important thing is RESPECT YOUR FRIENDS as they are not HEARTLESS
Thank you for being such a great buddy to me...
May Allah preserve our friendship forever...Amin