
Saturday, January 25, 2014

You Never Walk Alone (YNWA)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh... :)

Illustration purpose only...neither related to alive people nor those who already leave the world

I am borrowing Liverpool's quote...sorry to Liverpool's fans...Anyway YNWA??? Well well well dear my brothers and sisters life is life after all...AND??? LONELY??? Nah! Don't believe in that word...There is no such thing as being sang by Westlife- Loneliness Know Me By Name but TRUST and TRUST and TRUST "La Tahzan Innallaha Maana" means "Do Not Be Sad Allah Is Always There"

Allah is always there??? Yes! When you know Allah is always there, when anyone leaves you, you will never feel sorrow, sombre and all those negative feelings and that is the best stage of IMAN...called SWEETNESS OF IMAN a.k.a KEMANISAN IMAN!!! Who would not want that? If you want it grab it, if you do not want it just leave it as it is BUT trust you will definitely be REGRETFUL

And here am I, I worship Him and to Him I return everything and I will never question His happenings...There are things which we feel good for us, yet it deteriorates your innerself and this is why Allah will not let it happen for the sake of His love to you...Can't you see that? Open your eyes and the eyes of your heart to see how He actually treat us with full of love

The sincerity of Allah is being illustrated as the milk which comes out from the cow where the flow of the milk in the cow's body is between its blood capillaries...So, are we still want to give Him mixed amal? Think my brothers and sisters...I do trust He will and He will and He will NEVER LET YOU WALK ALONE...

P/S: Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira to My Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters
Have A Good Day Ahead to My Dear Non- Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Illa liqo' <----til we meet again

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to my Muslim brothers and sisters and Good Day to my Non-Muslim brothers and sisters,,,

How cold is cold? Is it like the temperature of ice? That is freezing cold...or is it as cold as the snow? that one is not cold but that one is makes you freeze and you cannot even move...Nauzubillahi Min Zalik...That is the power of Allah!!!


O Believers! This is a good news for you:

Angels will come into each and every skin pores at your body to take out your soul...
At the first stage Angels enter the leg and move the roh up to your stomach, then another angels come and move up your soul from stomach to your throat and that is where the body is in "nazak"

To those believers! Gabriel comes and show its right wing and let you see the heaven that you will enter for your good deeds until you are smiling to get ready for your soul to come out from your body. You can easily say syahadah during your nazak

To those rebellers! Gabriel comes and show his left wing and you cannot stop screaming because you see how fierceful is Allah's punishment which is the Hell for your rebellious actions at dunya...

(For Illustration Purpose Only)

O Believers of Allah! The soul cannot come out from your mouth since it doesnt want to leave your body, then angel goes up and ask Allah how to take out the soul? Allah says from the hand, when the angel wants to take out the soul from the hand, the hand says you cannot take his soul out from the hand that gives donation to others with generosity and this is the hand that pamper the orphanages

Then angel goes up and ask Allah again...Allah says take it out from the eye, while the angel goes down and eyes say do not take it out from here because this eyes always cry because this person always have fear for Allah

Then angel goes up and ask Allah again, Allah says take it out from the ears and then ears say do not take it out from here since this ears always listen to Allah's sayings in Al-Quran and listen to religious talks...

Then angel goes up and ask Allah again, Allah says take it out from the leg and the leg says you cannot take it from here this is the leg that walks to mosque and stand at night to perform tahajjud...

Lastly, Allah says to angel write my Asma'ul Husna on your palm and show to the soul...And finally the soul comes out willingly...and as being narrated by Abu Bakar R.A: The soul goes to 7 places:

1-The soul of Prophets and Heaven's (Adnin) occupants
2- The soul of ulama' at Jannatul Firdaus
3- The soul of happy people at Jannatul Illiyina
4- The soul of syuhada' which flies anywhere they want
5- The soul of sinful mu'min which hang between the earth and the sky
6- The soul of sons and daughters of Believers of Allah which will stay at "gunung misik"
7- The soul of Rebellers (Kafir) which will always be in the Hell...

And the Jinn their body will be punished until Yaumul Qiamah (The end of the world)

Wallahualam Bissawab

Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira to Muslim brothers and sisters

Have A Good Day Ahead to Non-Muslim brothers and sisters



Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Dear My Muslim Brothers and Sisters, 
Just a thing to share with all of you...:)

Sahih International
And during the night prostrate to Him and exalt Him a long [part of the] night.
Dan (dengan apa keadaan pun maka) pada sebahagian dari waktu malam sujudlah kepada Tuhan (dengan mengerjakan sembahyang), dan (seboleh-bolehnya) bertasbihlah memujiNya (dengan mengerjakan sembahyang Tahajjud), pada sebahagian yang panjang dari waktu malam.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

My post today is entitled S.U.D.O.K.U...Opsss tooo "skema" lah...By the way let's proceed...S.U.D.O.K.U is a Japanese puzzle and how it looks like? Here you shown below

This is what we called 9x9 sudoku

This one it has 81 boxes which needs to be filled and here you go a more complicated one!!!

And this is 12x12 sudoku

Enough with these two types of sudoku...My dear brothers and sisters, how I see life is how I see it through sudoku...It starts from you as a beginner then you become a moderate learner, expert and at last stage you are the advanced learner...It does not depend on your age but it depends on your knowledge which you borrow from Allah

Life does not treat you with simple thoughts because life is just life and with no complicated stuff, you will not realise you can actually solve an easier challenges next time..."La Yukallifullahu Nafsan Illa Us'aha" which means "you will not be tested with a test which is unbearable" and to Him you return

Same goes with sudoku, you need to start small with 9x9 sudoku and then once you master it you can go to the next stage of solving 12x12 type of sudoku...Life is just Life

Yes, again I want to highlight IN LIFE THERE ARE TOO MANY WONDERFUL THINGS ARE WAITING TO BE DISCOVERED and yet once you found ways on how to solve these puzzles you will see the wonderfulness you get out of it...and that is how I view life as one of the most precious gifts awarded by Him

Wallahualam Bissawab

P/S: I dare you to solve those two sudokussss puzzles hehehe

Have A Good Day Ahead to My Non-Muslim Brothers and Sisters

Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira to my Muslim Brothers and Sisters



Wednesday, January 8, 2014

BiTtER G0urD

"Life Is Always Bitter Because The Heaven Is Too Sweet"

Soba Hal Khoir, ya akhi wa ya ukhti

Good Morning, ya "saudara" and ya "saudari"
What A Great and Happy Moment to still breath in the fresh air of morning and get the chance to see The Sun will shine Brightly!!! Alhamdulillah

Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira
"Peace and Safe Upon My Muslim Brothers and Sisters"



Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Row Row Row Your Boat Gently Down The Stream

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Ahah...Let's row row your boat gently down the stream and then it will splash on the surface of rough water...People will scream and people will shiver, the whole body is trembling...And at that moment they will scream continuously...some will scream "Allah Help Me!!!" some will say, "Jesus Help Me!!!"and some will say " My God!!!"And then you have to row and row it more and more until you reach the river bank...and once you reach at the river bank will you still shiver like the beginning? Surely the shiver fades away and your blood flows normally throughout your whole body

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, why would we want to remember Allah if and only if we are at the tips of our life? Don't you know that Allah will always be with us? Allah always be there for us and never leave us unless we leave Him...Sometimes, we deny His existence and He leaves us with no guidance...Do Not Deny That You Need Allah!!!

Talking about the rowing rowing the boat gently down the stream...Imagine that for us to row the boat, we need energetic body and strong hands and yet BIG effort to ensure that the boat can pass through the rough water surface...This is how life treats us...It treats us with complicated things to prepare us to face any obstacles in life...


"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."

Al-Baqarah verse 286

"Musibah" or hardships are the gift and reward from Allah to show to us He loves us very much and He will always love us as His name is also "Al-Wadud"...For the boat to reach the river bank (for life to reach its happiness) we have to face few obstacles...AND be proud because we are being tested, hence we will appreciate more compared to those who are not being tested

Last but not least, BE HAPPY WHEN YOU ARE BEING TESTED, OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT GAIN SOMETHING OUT OF IT... same goes to life, you have to seat for the exam (which what I am facing right now) to know your ability to answer and apply your knowledge in the future...til then Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

In Shaa Allah (^_^)

Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira